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How has the firearms industry benefited from the 1911 platform?

Are there any components within the 1911 platform that were proprietary to this platform before the patent lapsing? If so, what are some of these, and are there other firearms that share these technologies today?

Browning held the patent for the grip safety used in the 1911 handgun along with a number of other parts. Fast forward to today and we see companies like Smith & Wesson shield models that use the same type of technology not to mention that it is still a standard part in most current production 1911’s.

How has the firearms industry benefited from the 1911 platform, looking at it from a firearm creation standpoint?

This firearm has advanced the firearms industry tremendously since its creation. The 1911 showed the world that you can make an affordable firearm with very few parts and still be able to trust your life to its operation. Throughout the years this platform has been tweaked and modified in countless ways by many different manufactures showing the industry that if you start with good bones then the sky is the limit regarding modifications. Today you find manufacturers making the latest and greatest 2011 models that originated from the older 1911 platform. Staccato Offers top of the line 2011 models in any variation you want, and these models would not exist today if it were not for John Browning’s 1911.

Please identify at least three component interactions within the 1911 that you found interesting. Why did you find these interactions interesting?

To start, I think the trigger bar that wraps the magazine well is very interesting. The way it slides into a groove from the rear of the frame has got to be one of the easiest triggers I have ever had to install on a handgun. The simplicity of its operation in the 1911 also makes it very reliable. Next, I thought it was interesting that both grip safety and safety selector switch are connected through the frame via the pin on the selector switch itself. The way these two safety components work in tandem help ensure the firearm the safe operation for its user. Finally, I thought the extractor was interesting because of its simplicity as well. No additional springs and that fact that it is one piece make it reliable and easy to replace if it becomes worn or damaged from prolonged use.


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