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Managing a firearms business during a national tragedy, or after a mass shooting incident.

• How would you manage a firearms business during a time such as the scenario described?

Unfortunately, mass shootings are a reality. Some of which never get spoken of and others tossed all over the news turning what was in fact a tragedy into a national tragedy. Allowing your customers to ask their questions and finding ways to answer them is all just part of the business. Usually, it is better to stick to facts and leave one’s opinion out of it to avoid any confrontation, especially on the hot button issues. Nevertheless, I have a business to run and, in my experience, when things like mass shootings happen, gun sales go up. I have yet to meet a person who wants to be the victim in a situation like this and usually when things like this hit close to home, everyone begins looking for the best tool they can find to defend themselves and often that is a firearm.

• How would you, as a firearms business manager, respond to customers who are angry or upset and they represent both sides of the gun control debate?

Check your politics at the door ladies and gentlemen. Usually, no one will go to the gun range looking for a fight and because the business I am managing has a live fire facility, Angry or upset customers from any side of any debate may be denied the right to use the range if the staff have determined they were not in the right state of mind to shoot. Flared emotions have no place in a facility designed for recreational shooting and on numerous occasions in the past we have denied peoples range privilege for this reason alone.

• How would you, as a firearms business manager, respond to angry customers who come into your place of business with the sole intent of purchasing firearms to seek revenge?

I have personally had to deal with a number of customers in the past where during conversation they have said a number of things that prompted me, the seller, to halt the gun sale. Things like “I’m gonna head downtown and start wasting drug dealers” and “Wait till I see “Blank” again, I got something for him” have been said to which I had to inform the customer that I could go no further in their gun sale. This will likely take an angry person and send them into a rage with a new focus on you so if you do not do well with confrontation then best to grab someone who is.

• How will you manage a firearms business and maintain your composure and emotional responses or reactions? How will your opinions shape the way you operate your business?

It is best to approach people with a friendly helpful demeanor when running or managing a firearms business. As we have already said, have your customers check their politics and emotions at the door if they intend to do business. Staying neutral keeps you from offending some or insulting others. Often if you allow a customer to trip your emotions it can escalate certain situations into something it did not need to be. The goal is to calm the person to a point where you can get them to leave with minimal confrontation. People have a tendency to mimic each other’s emotions and if you approach the situation calmly and remain calm throughout, the upset individual will likely begin to relax.


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