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Summarize the procedure for setting up a drill press, per the owner’s manual.

1. What is the make and model of the drill press, and what documentation (owner's manual, spec sheet, etc.) were you able to find. Include links to any websites you reference.

The heavy-duty drill press I have chosen for the purpose of this conversation is the Grizzly Industries heavy duty drill press G0751. When looking at some of the other models of drill press Grizzly Industries offers, I noticed in the customer reviews posted to The Home Depot website that customers rate the other machines lower claiming they are a little ridged because they were made in China. I was able to find the owner’s manual for this specific machine on a website called This was a great resource and allowed me to read all about the machine before deciding to purchase one. The Home Depot only had one review for this drill press, but they gave it a 5-star rating and said it worked well.

2. Summarize the procedure for setting up the press, per the owner’s manual.

Well the machine uses power to operate so one of the first things the owner’s manual talks about is the voltage required and how to ground it properly to avoid the risk of fire. It then goes on to give the end user unpacking instructions for what might be needed to set it up and the manual includes an inventory of parts that should come with the machine. After the cleaning and degreasing instructions, the manual lists site considerations for the safest placement that offers optimal performance.

3. Describe any steps you need to take to calibrate the press, and what components you should check for wear.

When calibrating the drill press you can start on page 42 where it talks about adjusting your Gibs and lead screw backlash. On pages 43 and 44 of the owner’s manual it talks about calibrating and adjusting the tramming spindle to be sure your drill press is properly aligned. On page 45 it talks about adjusting your return spring tension and beyond that it won’t speak tons on calibration. There is a lengthy section that covers trouble shooting but not a ton on calibration or common wear spots.

4. Describe at least one accessory you might wish to add to your set up, and how it would benefit your operation.

I like all the features this grizzly drill press has already. However, the working surface and the base where the coolant is being recycled and pumped have a decent amount of space between them. This leads me to believe that as I pump the coolant onto my work surface, it may splash away from the base meaning every time it is used there will be a degree of waist and mess because of this. I may decide to find or create a splash guard to better recycle the coolant fluid.


“Grizzly Industrial Heavy-Duty Drill Press G0751.” The Home Depot,

“Grizzly G0751 Owner's Manual PDF Download.” Manuals Lib, 4 Dec. 2013,


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