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What are the elements necessary to effectively manage a firearms business?

As someone who has had the opportunity to manage two different firearms facilities for years at a time, there are several things you must get right to help you manage effectively and get your business growing. To start, you must keep your books tight. This means it is necessary to train and re-train your staff on the paperwork side of the house. Always getting a second set of eyes on the paperwork usually allows you to catch any mistakes. Depending on location and volume of gun sales, the ATF will absolutely do audits so do not slack on your bookkeeping. Next, I would have to say a hardworking, trustable staff is key to success. I have had to let people go in the past for theft of cash, ammunition and even firearms so be sure you can trust your staff before allowing them to handle cash or firearms unattended. This work can have a lot of fun moments but don’t let that fool you because managing a facility can be a lot of work too. Keeping training schedules for contracts, multiple instructors, and staff training while also gunsmithing, being a customer advocate and being the one to teach a bunch of the courses can stretch you thin. Let’s not forget ordering and inventory because without these your store front will be empty and that equals lost revenue. It takes good customer relations to know what is selling and what is not, so keep your thumb on the pulse of your customer base so you’re not buying things you want but rather you’re ordering the things that continuously sell out. Dead inventory as a new business can equal a dying company.


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