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Some questions posed in our Q&A are also asked by SDI curriculum. Though all answers are my original response, you may not copy my work and submit it as your own. If using GunsmithMD.Com as a resource, Please cite your work correctly. Thanks and enjoy!
What are the "big picture" conclusions you need to draw about a clients weapon & it's intended use.
We all know that safety is the goal when dealing with any firearm but when someone brings me a firearm (especially the older ones) the...
Can you ever see yourself abandoning conversion or heat-based procedures for spray on, entirely?
If the result desired by the customer is a color then yes, I would agree that spray on finishes are the future. However, a lot of people...
Is it reasonable to attempt to troubleshoot a customer’s weapon without being able to fix the parts?
Though I believe it is necessary to be able to fix fasteners and other small parts, I also believe it is reasonable to begin the trouble...
Knowing how to work on a range of firearms is vital to working as a gun smith. For Example...
1.To properly make a firearm safe, what checks would you perform? Making sure the firearm stays pointed in a safe direction. Remove the...
Record your personal reflection on the process of applying hydrographic coating.
Let me start by saying that I was skeptical at first about how the Hydro Dipping process was going to achieve such detailed finishes....
Is the finish that was used on your firearm a good option for its purpose? Why or why not?
The firearm I was thinking of when prompted to with this discussion is the H&K VP9 handgun. I have carried this pistol for years for self...
Chose three malfunctions and list colloquial, lay-person, or “slang” terms used to communicate them.
I feel it is important to talk to the customer and get as much information as possible before handling the firearm in question. This...
Would you attempt to blue or brown a gun part for a customer using a spray-on method?
The spray on bluing I found was on amazon and is made by Duracoat. Most of the spray on options I was looking at were very different then...
What questions can you ask the customer to rule out operator error or bad ammunition?
With regard to the ammunition and whether or not it is the issue there are a few ways to determine the problem. First, I would ask the...
Reflect on the advantages and risks of offering “jeweling” services at a gunsmith’s shop.
Well, I can say I had fun looking this one up and to answer the last question first, yes, I do believe it is worth spending the money to...
Describe how you would set up a prep area as if you were going to add finishing procedures to a shop
When setting up a prep area in my gunsmithing shop I would have a separate area just for prep. This area would not need a ton of space. I...
Discuss the process of case hardening a firearm and modern chemical methods of case hardening.
Admittedly at the start of this I had no idea how this was achieved but I had seen it a number of times while working for a few different...
Summarize the differences between troubleshooting a single-action and a double-action revolver.
I believe this is still going to depend on the make and model of firearm you are working on. For example, with most single action...
Colt Python Troubleshooting
The customer brings me a Colt® Python® and explains that the hammer will not reach full cock and falls prematurely. 1.How would you...
Ruger New Model Blackhawk Troubleshooting
The customer brings you a Ruger® New Model Blackhawk® and claims that it doesn’t fire when he pulls the trigger. He says that the hammer...
Winchester Model 1897 Troubleshooting
The customer has brought you the following Winchester Model 1897. It’s clean and well oiled, but very worn. The customer explains that...
Early-1900’s Winchester 1892 Part Two
Unbeknownst to the customer in Part 1, the Winchester had a badly worn firing pin and would not have fired, if he had tried. I will be...
Early-1900’s Winchester 1892 Troubleshooting
Customer brings you an early-1900’s Winchester 1892 that he recently inherited. He states that it has been in his father’s gun cabinet...
Savage Model 110 chambered in 7mm Remington Magnum Troubleshooting
Customer brings you a Savage Model 110 chambered in 7mm Remington Magnum. The rifle appears to have been poorly maintained. Customer...
H&R Ultra chambered in .223 Troubleshooting
(Safety) 1.How would you safely clear the feed source, chamber, and barrel of ammunition and potential obstructions? Starting by making...
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