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Some questions posed in our Q&A are also asked by SDI curriculum. Though all answers are my original response, you may not copy my work and submit it as your own. If using GunsmithMD.Com as a resource, Please cite your work correctly. Thanks and enjoy!
HK VP9 VS. SAR USA Comparison & Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
Summarize Key Principles of Federal Law Applicable to Firearms Transactions
• Summarize Key Principles of Federal Law Applicable to Firearms Transactions To start you will need to determine if the person...
Sig Sauer P320 M18 Breakdown & Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
Identify the important components of an operating budget a firearms business needs.
Identify the important components of an operating budget a firearms business needs. Your startup budget is vastly different from an...
Ruger LCP II VS. LCP MAX Comparison & Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
What challenges do you foresee for setting up your own shooting sports business?
-Which form of business structure would you choose if you were starting your own shooting sports business? If I were to start my own...
Ruger Security 9 Breakdown & review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
National Requirements for a Business to Obtain Firearms Licenses
The national requirements for a business to obtain firearms licenses include several requirements. To start the individual applying for...
S&W M&P M2.0 Standard VS. Pro Series Comparison & Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
What business licenses and permits are required to open/start up a firearms business
Conduct research and find out what business licenses and permits are required to open/start up a firearms business in your...
Smith & Wesson M&P Bodyguard Breakdown & Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
I have heard of gunsmiths that will pin the grip safety in a collapsed position, would you do this?
Thanks for reaching out with your question as to whether I would consider pinning the grip safety on a 1911. Though I do see this pinning...
Mossberg Compact Cruiser AOW 12Ga Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
Managing a firearms business during a national tragedy, or after a mass shooting incident.
• How would you manage a firearms business during a time such as the scenario described? Unfortunately, mass shootings are a reality....
Ruger LCP II Breakdown & Review
This review is for educational purposes only. Anytime anyone handles firearms, they are required to follow all safety rules and regulations.
How has the firearms industry benefited from the 1911 platform?
Are there any components within the 1911 platform that were proprietary to this platform before the patent lapsing? If so, what are some...
Kimber KHX Ultra 1911 Breakdown & Review
These Videos are made for educational purposes only. GunsmithMD is not liable for the misuse of any product that is reviewed on this website
V Springs and the Process Used to Construct Them
At first glance you may not know that a V spring was in fact a spring at all. Most people have this notion in their heads that a spring...
HK VP9 Breakdown & Review
These Videos are made for educational purposes only. GunsmithMD is not liable for the misuse of any product that is reviewed on this website
What are the elements necessary to effectively manage a firearms business?
As someone who has had the opportunity to manage two different firearms facilities for years at a time, there are several things you must...
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